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EOL SHOP 300x300 2019neu

Einstein Token - A project to provide funding for Einsteinium Foundation's scientific research

The Einsteinium Foundation is a non-profit organization that funds scientific research. The Foundation has created the Einsteinium cryptocurrency (EMC2) to raise funds for its cause. The Foundation will use the funds raised through the sale of Einsteinium tokens to finance scientific research projects.

CRB Coin - A project to provide funding for the development of the CRB Protocol

The CRB protocol is a decentralized platform that allows for the creation and management of digital assets. The protocol will use the CRB coin to raise funds for its development. The CRB protocol will allow for the creation of new assets, as well as the management of existing assets.

BNB Fintech - A project to provide funding for the development of the Binance Fintech Platform

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide variety of digital assets. The Binance Fintech Platform will use the funds raised through the sale of BNB tokens to finance its development. The platform will allow for the creation of new financial products and services.

Dreamrlabs - A project to provide funding for the development of the Dreamr network

Dreamr is a decentralized network that allows for the creation and management of digital assets. The Dreamr network will use the funds raised through the sale of Dreamr tokens to finance its development. The network will allow for the creation of new assets, as well as the management of existing assets.

Everswap - A project to provide funding for the development of the Everswap Exchange

Everswap is a decentralized exchange that allows for the swapping of digital assets. The Everswap Exchange will use the funds raised through the sale of Everswap tokens to finance its development.